Step Out of the Box With These 7 Fall & Winter Boot Styles
While there will be times when we’ll need the help of a pro to assess certain hair issues, most times, if we tune in to our tresses, we can usually find out some things before we make that visit to the salon. 🙂 Yes, our hair will always give us clues that there’s an issue if we really pay attention to it. As for the example in the above graphic, some may actually think all that “snapping, crackling & popping” is normal for coily/kinky hair. Not the case. The likelihood is that you have numerous strands that are knotted together or even single strand knots which are causing your comb or brush to snag on the hair as you manipulate it. Time for that trim! OR, you may simply need to grab your spray bottle, leave-in, etc. and get to moisturizing that hair STAT, making it more manageable. Is your…
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Ask the Pro: Caring for Color-Treated Natural Hair
So, you wanna add some flavor to your natural hair but may be wondering about maintenance. Here are some tips on caring for your color-treated natural hair.
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Hair Tip Tuesday: Hair Steaming on a Budget
Happy Tuesday! Here’s the post that didn’t make it to the blog last week due to some technical difficulties! If you follow me on IG, you’ve already caught this lil tidbit. 😉 Last month I raved about my new favorite hair tool, the Q-Redew handheld hair steamer. However, I understand that in these times, even with a discount, some still may not have the budget to purchase one at the moment. That does not mean you’re without hope! Why Steam Anyway? Steaming is so effective in a one’s hair care routine because it provides just the right amount of moisture and hydration to the hair to soften it and make it easier to manage without completely rewetting it. It can be done to give you volume, revive that wash & go or give you a little moisture to re-twist your hair for a fresh do without starting from scratch. When…
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Hair Tip Tuesday: Does Trimming Your Hair Make it Grow Faster?
In a Word… NO The myth that you will speed up your hair’s rate of growth by trimming it is one that I have been hearing since my teenage years and even then, it didn’t make sense to me. Here’s the thing: hair growth starts at the follicle and the truth is, what happens at the ends of your hair really has little to do with what’s going on at the follicle level. It stands to reason, then, that trimming your ends has no real bearing on the actual growth of the hair… Why the Common Misconception? Well, it’s like this… as noted in the graphic above, hair may seem to grow faster when it is trimmed regularly simply because any damage that may be present is stopped in its tracks and healthy ends are maintained. Healthy ends are less likely to break or split which means you retain more…
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How to Protect Your Natural Hair During Hat Season!
Brrr… it’s hat season! Wool is often the go-to option for obvious reasons. Even so, this über warm fabric can cause unwanted damage to your natural hair… While they serve an important purpose, wool winter hats can cause breakage from friction. Have you ever worn a wool turtleneck or scarf pretty often and notice later on that the hair at the nape of your head is thinning out? Yup… friction! Also, much like cotton, wool absorbs moisture from your hair which, as we know, can eventually lead to breakage. So look for hats with satin or silk linings. Now, don’t go throwing out the wool hats you already own to run to the mall for those that are satin-lined! Who has that kinda dough?! If you’re a DIY-er, all ya gotta do is head to the fabric store for a bit of silk or satin fabric (don’t forget to check the…
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