Try These 5 Tips for Boosting Productivity

toia barry

having trouble getting work done or just find it hard to stick with daily/weekly tasks? here are five things that can actually help you be more productive & get things done...

get organized


make a list of what has to get done. if some things are very involved, include the steps you need to take to complete each one. having a systematic approach leads to checked boxes!

make a schedule


whether it's for work or just tackling household chores, having a plan with a  timetable in mind for how long you need to spend on each task can help you actually get through them all.

no distractions


boost focus & productivity by putting your phone on silent or "do not disturb". or, at least turn off social notifications as that can be a big time-sucker.


no distractions (cont')


some may feel like music is a distraction while others may need it to stay in the zone. if having some tunes on helps keep you going, then by all means!

set a timer


set a timer for each task. work until your time is up, then take a short break before going back to it or starting a new task. the pomodoro method has helped me focus & knock out my list!

batch your tasks


"batching" is grouping similar tasks or steps within a large project together to complete them in one setting. this keeps your brain focused on one type of thing at a time...

batch your tasks


for example, when processing orders, first print out all the labels. then block time to apply the labels to boxes & so on. keeping to one task at a time beats trying to multitask.

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