3 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed Everyday!

you're probably wondering, "how important could it be to make up your bed?" yup, it's easy to roll out of bed & just get the day started...

but you'd be surprised how much of an impact this simple task can have on your day! here are three great reasons to make your bed daily...

sets the tone for the day


making your bed right after getting up completes your first task of the day! this creates a sense of accomplishment & helps you move through the rest of your day with a positive frame of mind.

makes the room look presentable


since the bed is the focal point of the room, making it look neat & tidy - smoothing out the sheets, fluffing pillows - instantly gives the room a facelift!

contributes to productivity


doing this quick chore at the top of your day every day motivates you to complete more tasks! once you've crossed one thing off your list, you're more likely to do another!

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