Easy Head Wrap for Braids, Twists & Locs

for this head wrap style, I like to put my Marley Twists up into a high bun. then I grab my long wrap, find the center & place it flat on the back of my head.

make sure the edge of the wrap is all the way at the nape with the top portion placed neatly underneath the bun. bring the two sides forward and tie once. secure without making it too tight.


once you've tied the wrap comfortably, take one end & twist, making sure the shorter pieces are tucked inside. wrap it around your bun and tuck it into the "flat" part of the wrap.

make sure to double check that nothing is sticking out and that it's tucked neatly. do the same with the other side.

if the wrap/cloth has a tag, tuck the tag inward as you twist the ends. wrap it around your bun in the opposite direction from the first side and tuck where it sits best.

make any final adjustments as-needed like tucking behind the ears, etc. if you're feelin it, do a little dance before you head out the door!

and dassit - a quick wrap to bring some interest to your protective style or cover it up if it's time for a touch-up! for more inspiration, check me out on YouTube!