stretch, put on some music & dance or search YouTube for a free workout or fun choreography tutorial!
we get so busy with work, kids & just life that we take a quick shower & move on. why not use your free time to indulge in a longer bath session!
take your time & really pamper yourself. gently cleanse your face, apply a rejuvenating mask & relax.
grab your nail polish stash & have fun with some color! it doesn't have to be salon quality. it's just you having some me time!
do something that doesn't require stretching your brain: binge your favorite series or find a new one, catch up on magazines or a good book!
if you've already got a streaming service, no extra cost here! search one of your faves, sit back & enjoy.
we all have some stuff we could get rid of. throw on some good music & use your at-home time to purge your closets & other areas.