5 Reasons Why You're Not Getting Things Done

toia barry

do you have the desire to be productive but have a hard time getting through that to-do list? here are some reasons why you may not be able to get things done...

1. you've got too much on your plate

taking on a long to-do list may only make you feel overwhelmed to the point that you procrastinate & get little to nothing done. make a realistic list & do the hardest things first.

2. you're trying to multi-task

multi-tasking sounds like a great idea, but it only divides your attention & nothing gets 100% of your effort. get one thing done at a time & then move on to the next.

3. you don't have plan

a list of tasks & even a schedule breakdown will keep you organized & less frazzled about what to do next. this can help you be more productive & actually get those things done.

4. you're easily distracted

consider putting your phone in another room or somewhere out of sight if you find you're constantly checking it. if you're someone who needs background noise, consider music instead of TV.

5. you're overthinking the process

once you've figured out what you have to get done, just start! you lose precious time thinking about all you have to do. before you know it, the day is done & you have little to show for it.

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