Hair Tip Tuesday: 5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Stylist


It’s no secret that choosing a good stylist can be hard work. For some, it takes years before they finally find someone who they can really trust with their natural hair. These five points should help you cut down on that search time… let’s hope!


A stylist is a keeper if they are able to communicate well with their clients. “The customer is always right”?! Hmph! The last thing you need is someone who is going to do whatever you want even if it’s to your detriment, i.e. executing a style that looks pretty on the surface but in the end will do more damage than good. If she really cares about the health of your hair, she will tell you the truth, whether you wanna hear it or not. I’d rather my hair care pro tell me what’s best for my hair in the long run and not only be concerned with making me happy for the moment.

It’s also great when the stylist talks you through the steps being taken and why. I LOVE that! Yes, she’s the pro but it’s your hair and you have every right to know what’s going on. A caring hair care pro will volunteer the info you need without you having to ask.


Communication is a two-way street. More than being vocal about what she intends to do to your hair, your stylist should also be willing to hear you out. A doctor can’t treat you if they don’t first listen to what the symptoms are. The same is true with your hair care. Before they even touch your head, a good stylist will usually have some sort of consultation with you to assess your hair needs, since everyone’s will differ. How can they know how to move forward and really keep you as a customer if they don’t earn your trust by listening to you?


Word of mouth is probably one of the top ways stylists build their clientele. If your friend’s or family member’s hair is always together, ask where they get it done. Not only do they serve as walking advertisements for these hair care professionals but the hair of the stylists themselves is also a good indication of whether or not you’re in good hands.

Any good stylist who cares about getting and keeping clients will be about making sure their own hair is just as well taken care of as anyone who sits in their chair. Think about it- what can a person with a messy, disorganized home tell you about keeping YOURS clean? Not one single, solitary thing! Observe and ask yourself: Does the stylist’s hair have the overall appearance of health? I dunno about you but I don’t see the logic in trusting my mane to someone who can’t keep themselves looking right.


Yeah, I think it helps if you actually like your stylist. Who wants to be in the company of someone for hours who has no bedside manner (these medical analogies are coming in handy!), has an attitude or is just downright rude? You should look forward to salon time, not dread having to deal with a snarky stylist.

A stylist should be professional and treat you with respect, which includes being considerate of your time. They should not have you waiting for hours because they overbooked, nor should they rush you out of their chair so they can be on to the next one, not giving you the care you deserve. Many well-respected salons these days will require a deposit to confirm the appointment (which keeps them from overbooking) and/or impose a penalty if a client is more than “x” amount of minutes late (which serves as a deterrent) and I ain’t mad at ’em!


We can’t realistically expect a salon to stay super spotless all day. I mean… it’s a salon! But a stylist who cares about the well-being of their clients will keep a clean station and most importantly, clean, sanitized tools. You will notice a container of Barbicide disinfectant (that blue stuff) or some type of sanitizing agent which they should be using for their hair tools regularly between clients. Yay to no bacteria!

Yes, choosing the best hair care professional may take some work but it’ll all be worth it to find someone who really cares about the health of your hair. Make the effort and take the time to find someone who knows what they’re doing. Also, don’t be afraid to speak up or walk out if you feel that something isn’t right! You have to do what’s right for you in the end.

What do YOU look for in a stylist? Have you found ‘the one’? Share below!





  1. August 27, 2014 / 2:04 pm

    This is very good. I use to be a stylist and these tips are a must to make your visit a good one.

  2. Melissa
    August 27, 2014 / 10:11 am

    The timing of this post is right on! Or spot on? I saw a new stylist this past Saturday. She is very knowledgeable. I was impressed. She is also very sweet. She gave me a hug before I left. During my appointment, she walked me through everything. A friend of mine had seen her a week before I did. She had nothing but nice things to say. The stylist I had before, although good at what she did…. Didn’t move me on any level.

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