Fluffy Braid-Out on Kinky Hair ft. Creme of Nature

Braid out on blow out natural hair mainIf you’ve been with me since 2012, you know that ToBNatural started out as a natural hair blog where I shared parts of my personal hair journey but mostly, tips that I learned along the way that I hope helped you as well. Hence, the name!

Since introducing more lifestyle and mommyhood features here on the site (which I never formally announced, my bad!) over the past year or so, there hasn’t been a ton of hair content… but that’s changing (as seen with yesterday’s post). If you’ve stuck with me through it all, I appreciate you! I’m now more committed than ever — and have figured out how to make the time — to bring you more hair care content going forward. But still check out the other stuff too, mmkay?! 😉

Okay, onto what you clicked on this link for…

braid-out on kinky hair creme of nature

The Creme of Nature Argan Oil line has become a quick fave of mine for the moisture, shine and body it gives my hair, not to mention the beautiful scent! Basically, there’s nothing in the line that I don’t like. It’s that good!

While this Creme of Nature line is fairly new to me, this fluffy braid-out has been one of my go-to styles when wearing my hair free for years. To be clear, a blow-out isn’t necessary for a braid-out on kinky hair to look amazing but I go this route to just to achieve some bounce! If you’ve got super kinky hair like I do and want to change it up or maybe show off more of your length, give this method a try!

Fluffy Braid-Out on Kinky #NaturalHair ft. @CremeofNature Click To Tweet

Read on after watching the video for a few quick tips…

Oh, before styling, I washed and conditioned using the Creme of Nature Argan Oil Sulfate-Free Shampoo and Intensive Conditioning Treatment. This duo is nothing short of amazing when it comes to infusing moisture to prepare my hair for heat styling.  Following up with the 7-in-1 Leave-In Treatment (BAE!) took the moisture to another level. If I could only have one Creme of Nature product in my arsenal, it’d probably be this leave-in!

Here are those tips I promised…

Curl the Ends

braid-out on kinky hair creme of nature 1

Using perm rods or flexi rods to curl the ends of your braids isn’t necessary but it does help give a more finished result. Straggly ends can take away from the style, especially if you’re a little ways until your next trim. Try this little hack to help complete the overall look.

CAREFULLY Separate the Hair to Prevent Frizz

braid-out on kinky hair creme of nature 2

If you’re looking to actually hold on to your definition, don’t go crazy when separating each chunk of hair. Do your best to separate the hair where it naturally wants to separate to keep the style looking neat and, well… cute!

3 Tips for the Perfect Braid-Out! #naturalhair Click To Tweet

Pick the Roots of Your Hair for Volume

braid-out on kinky hair creme of nature 3

If you like big hair, create some height, more volume and to close up those parts by using a pick to gently lift the roots of your hair… JUST the roots. Keep away from the length of the hair to keep your crinkles and curls in place.

So, what do you think? Would you try a braid-out on kinky hair? What’s YOUR go-to style?!



1 Comment

  1. August 5, 2017 / 3:27 pm

    Perm rods barely give a good definition for hair length below a certain degree in my opinion. Sucks. Your hair looks beyond beautiful!

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