Feel Like Quitting? Remember Why You Started!

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remember why you started 1

Story time.

I had quite a few moments over the last year where, with the exception of hitting my IG Stories with #LilMicahB & cheering on my fellow content creators, I’d become super MIA. Creatively, I just wasn’t feeling “it”.

remember why you started 2I think these little breaks were good for me, though. See, I’ve been back & forth, on more than one occasion, on whether or not I should just hang up my laptop and give up this whole blogging thing. But then, I remembered a blog post I wrote (in Aug ’16) about some things I learned in the four years I had been blogging up to that point. The main one for me was this:

“When you feel like quitting, REMEMBER WHY YOU STARTED.”

remember why you started 2denim shirtdress tan ankle pants 1denim shirtdress tan ankle pants 2denim shirtdress tan ankle pants 3remember why you started 4 denim shirtdress tan ankle pants

leather jacket- thrifted (try this) | denim shirt – Gap (old-similar here) | top – TopShop (similar) | pants – Uniqlo (try these or these) | sneakers – Adidas | laptop – Surface Pro

So let’s take a brief trip down memory lane, shall we?

Around the spring of 2012, I met with a newfound friend, Chèrmelle Edwards, known professionally as The Coffeetographer. We chatted over coffee, naturally, about our creative ventures — Chèrmelle, a webzine focused on coffee culture. Me, a natural hair blog that will inspire women on the same journey… with a little fashion sprinkled in. Soon, we met up to shoot some photos for my new baby, ToBNatural. It took a few months for the big reveal cuz ya girl was sooo scared, but on Aug 20, 2012, I published my first post!
I’ve had my ups & downs navigating this blogger/influencer thing but, thankfully, I’m still here. When I think of why I started and how much I AND Chèrmelle have grown as creators, I’m motivated to keep going!

Telling myself, “Toia, remember why you started” has helped me refocus and give priority to what’s most important – my God, my family and helping people on this platform. I’ve made a resolve to STOP OVERTHINKING my next moves, STOP COMPARING myself to others who seem to be surpassing me or receive more opportunities- so hard to do in this age of social media – and just do things I love because I love them! So you’re stuck with me… at least for a little while longer!
If you made it to the end of this post, you a real one! LOL! Thank you all for your support of my blog and Instagram page thus far. You have no idea how much it means to me to know that there are still people out there who care what I have to say. *single tear* And thank you to other fab creators like Ijeoma Kola, Dayna Bolden, Nkenge and Chizi Duru (go follow them!) and others who keep my IG Stories and timeline lit as well as inspiring!

Writing this post was my dose of personal therapy but I hope this has inspired you in some way to keep at whatever it is that you love. Remember why you started… and if that “why” is still a part of you, keep pushing. Block out the negativity and do the work.

When you find yourself in a slump, what motivates you to keep going?

Photos: Jason John

Location: Roger That Café (closed)




  1. March 7, 2019 / 6:39 am

    Yes! Yes! And yeah… Lol I’ve felt like quitting and come to that crossroads a number of times. Usually when I get to that point remembering why does help. I also say “what’s the alternative?!” I pray on it and it feels like I get a Divine intervention of whatever I needed not just to keep on going but to grow. When you’re an entrepreneur it can be overwhelming. I got out of the comparison game and try to stay out of it. It’s a flame of destruction on your will and creativity. Great post Toia!

    • Toia B.
      March 7, 2019 / 9:42 am

      Thanks girlie! 🙂 Yes!! Thinking “what’s the alternative” fixes me up right quick! LOL! Prayer is definitely a huge help for clarity and discernment to make the right moves. So thankful for that provision.

  2. March 6, 2019 / 7:25 pm

    I can relate because over the last year I have considered quitting on more than one occasion. I had to realize that my gift belongs to God and by quitting on it would mean that I’m ultimately telling God I quit on believing he can see me through.

    • Toia B.
      March 6, 2019 / 7:34 pm

      Oooh girl! I feel you on this. It’s good to take a step back & reassess for sure but if you love it, there could be something you can do to make it manageable. I hope things work out because you ARE super talented! 🙌🏾🙏🏾

  3. March 6, 2019 / 10:52 am

    Ughhhh this is me now! Between work, school, and blogging it can be overwhelming. I haven’t done a single shoot this year and as much as I want to take pics for the gram and my blog, I’m not very motivated. I have so many drafts, but when it comes to putting in the work to write more and/or publish I just don’t wanna! I too have to put myself in check and remember my “why” every once in a while. You got this!

    • Toia B.
      March 6, 2019 / 11:35 am

      Girl, this post has been sitting in my drafts for a couple months now! LOL! And the pics were taken last February… the lack of motivation has been real! LOL! But a lot of it def stemmed from the whole comparison game. But you do have school & stuff so yeah, that’s understandable. It seems a lot of us bloggers have been feeling this way over the past year. Somethin in he water. LOL

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