Do You Ever Miss That Hair Relaxer?

I saw this on Instagram the other day and couldn’t resist sharing here…


Ha!! It sure is funny but the reality is, it’s a real struggle for a number of women at various stages of their transition back to natural not to return to the creamy crack. Some gals get so frustrated with their hair that they feel like returning to chemical straightening is the best solution. Do all of them beat this temptation successfully? Sadly, nope. 🙁

I dunno, am I in some crazy minority who have never faced the temptation to relax their hair again… ever? Are most women plagued with this burning (pun intended) desire or are the two groups pretty even? The thing is, when I hear stories of someone who “couldn’t take it anymore” and gave in to the temptation, I simply cannot relate.

Well, what say you?

Have you ever gotten so annoyed with that hair of yours that you wish you had a jar of relaxer nearby? What do you think are some of the reasons people give in?

Sound off!

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  1. October 3, 2013 / 10:58 am

    NOPE! i’d blow out my own hair, which im still iffy about seeing as how i havent used heat at all during my journey these past three years, or even yet doing a full head of weave (which i ultimately hate just cause i like to feel my hair without obstacles) before the idea of of the creamy crack enters my mind.. **AcoustiqueSoul**

    • October 3, 2013 / 11:18 am

      I hear that Kameeka! It’s so funny… I haven’t once had the desire for straight hair at all even in the form of a weave. I had a full head weave once & couldn’t wait to take that thing out! I’ll do a blow out just to stretch the hair (never bone straight) but that’s the extent of it. No flat irons or anything.

  2. Klassy Kinks
    September 30, 2013 / 9:30 am

    Maybe if my hair wasn’t so busted while it was relaxed, I would feel the temptation but I actually went natural because my relaxed hair was LIFELESS. Just not cute lol. But I understand the temptation to go back to what is familiar and seemingly easier than natural hair

    • September 30, 2013 / 10:33 am

      Oh wow. Welp, best decision you ever made! 😉 I think that’s it exactly though, it’s familiar so rather than making the required effort to learn their hair and what it needs to thrive, some take the easy way out and go back.

  3. Theresa
    September 27, 2013 / 6:53 am

    I am not addicted to the creamy crack, however after 3 years of being natural with very little progress in terms of growth, and manageability. I am seriously thinking of going back to relaxed hair.Given my job and lazy tendencies, finding at least half an hour in my day to dedicate to my hair is not easy. I love being natural but maybe I just have to accept the fact that my hair will never look / feel like those seen on natural hair blogs.

    • September 27, 2013 / 1:48 pm

      Thanks for your honesty Theresa. It does take time to figure out what works for our own hair. You’re absolutely correct: we will not be motivated to do what’s best for our hair until we truly embrace what we have and not compare ourselves to others. I spoke about this in one of “Hair Tip Tuesday” posts (“Health Over Length”). These girls on the blogs and YouTube are merely for inspiration. None of us will ever look like them. You can only be you. You CAN achieve manageable, healthy hair and you can get it to reach it’s full potential if you’re willing to commit to a routine. It has to be just that, a routine! Consistency is key. The truth is, you don’t have to spend time on your hair every single day. There are styling techniques you can do where if you set it the first night, you can wear it a whole week w/o having to do much to your hair every morning or night. Before you take what might seem to be the easy way out, please browse this blog for some encouraging tips to help you along this road! I wish you the best! 😉

  4. September 26, 2013 / 6:54 am

    That picture tho!! Thinking back, it really is an addiction. Girl, I’m right with you, I’ve never felt the urge to go back to relaxing. I love my natural hair and enjoy the freedom that it has afforded me.

    • September 30, 2013 / 10:37 am

      That’s the thing, there are so many options with natural hair. No one really NEEDS a relaxer but what I especially don’t like to see are those with super loose curl patterns talmbout “but girl, I need a touch-up! You don’t understand, my hair NAPPY!!” O_O Meanwhile their fine tooth comb glides right through their roots no problem LOL

  5. September 25, 2013 / 1:11 pm

    Nope, I am not even tempted to relax my hair. If I desired to straighten my hair, I’d flat iron it. The last time I did so, I missed my curls. But, a great part of being natural is the versatility.

    • September 30, 2013 / 10:38 am

      Definitely! I’ve never even wanted to flat iron my hair…I dunno, just haven’t. But it’s nice to know that if I did want to I could and go right back to my kinks!

  6. September 25, 2013 / 12:03 pm

    No, I never ever looked back. I’d wear a wig before I go back. And, I loathe wigs….that’s my personal feeling. However, I think many revert back out of frustration not knowing what to do with their hair and having to deal with different textures. Also, a bit of laziness may be a factor. Many feel that returning back to your natural state means that you don’t have to do much to the hair. Yes, it’s work and requires TLC. Just a few of my thoughts. ~NaturallyMe35~

    • September 30, 2013 / 10:43 am

      I agree with you, frustration & laziness are factors. Some also give in because they get into it without knowing the facts, they get more than they bargained for or they’re just flat out not ready to take the plunge! They think they’re ready, do it, regret it and go back.

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