How to Refresh Your Wardrobe for Little to No Money

tired of wearing the same ole stuff all the time?  found yourself in a wardrobe rut but trying to stay on a budget?

read on for three ways to get that low or even NO-cost wardrobe refresh you need to keep lookin good while keeping some coins in your pockets!

shop your closet


we tend to get in the habit of rotating the same pieces of clothing, especially if we're rushing. sometimes, all we gotta do to shake things up is dig in the closet for those lost treasures. there's always that piece that we forgot about! try creating new looks with what you find!

treasure hunt!

remix your outfits


in addition to rotating the same pieces, we often wear our clothes the same way all the time. figuring out different ways to put outfits together helps give our existing wardrobe new life! think outside of the box & get creative with the clothing you have.

switch it up...

go thrifting


it's crazy what you'll find at super low prices at your local thrift shop. I found THE perfect leather jacket for only $10, skirts & dresses under $5 & have come away with some brand name steals. skirt & blazer above - secondhand! quickly search Google for thrift shops near you!

secondhand style

see the full blog post below for more tips on refreshing your wardrobe for little to no dough + find out where I get my deals!