Quick "Trick"  for Securing Your Head Wrap!

keep watching for details!

to start, my hair is in a small high ponytail. since cotton is drying, I put on a poly/satin scarf first. this fabric is not typical head wrap dimensions, so I fold in half to make it oblong & easier to wrap.

I place the fabric flat at the back & tie to the front as usual. the "trick" to making it more secure & less likely to slide up is to pull the two shorter ends of the fabric taut.

this will secure the areas around the edges & nape of the neck as I show here.

be sure to roll & tuck in any labeling or rough edges. bring one side around to the back. this fabric is short & won't go all the way around, so...

I'm going to hold it down & wrap the other side on top of it, then tuck it underneath the first. this will secure both sides.

I then make final adjustments, tucking anything that needs to be tucked, making sure it looks the way I like.

finally, I'm going turn my back to the mirror to check if the back looks decent & everything is how I want it to be... and dassit!

I've got more style ideas and tips on my YouTube Channel! TAP THE ICON to check it out!

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