7 Easy Poses for Effortless Style Photos

toia barry

a simple, natural LEAN TO THE SIDE makes for a shot that's not too "pose-y". not sure what to do with your hands? touch your hair!

still with the classic lean, HAND IN POCKET is also a good way to go for that casual cool look. be sure to keep the thumb out though!

look off to the side & TOUCH AN ACCESSORY - a hand on your hat brim or the temple of your shades looks tres chic.

CROSS THE LEG, one hand on hip, bend the other arm & let the wrist hang naturally. this one's good for outfits with pants & skirts/dresses at or above the knee.

THE WALK or STEP is a fave! to get the effect, you can walk for real or, like I did here, repeatedly step back & forth for the shot.

TOUCH YOUR FINGERTIPS or hold your sunglasses with both hands if you have a pair on you - great tip that the photog reminded me of from Mikaela Pabon!

the FAKE LAUGH is always a winner! inevitably, it turns into a real laugh & you have a natural smile. swing your dress or swing your hands in the air. have fun!