Hair Breakage or Shedding: How to Know the Difference

why is it important to understand if you’re experiencing breakage vs shedding? once you know the symptoms and causes of an issue, you’re in a better position to treat it.

so here is some helpful info on hair breakage and hair shedding to better help you know the difference!

shedding is normal

fact 1:

yes, shedding is a part of the hair cycle and is completely natural. on average, it is normal for us to lose up to 150 strands of hair per day! so much of what you see coming out of your head is likely just natural shed hair & nothing to worry about.

a part of life

breakage means damage

fact 2:

hair breakage means that there is damage. this can be caused by things like excessive dryness, overmanipulating the hair or too much heat, which ultimately leads to dryness. one way to minimize breakage is by protective styling...

causes of breakage

Flat Twists & Low Bun

5 Techniques for Creating a High Bun

7 Fun Protective Styles for Natural Hair

protective styles to fight breakage...


how to know which is which

fact 3:

breakage that results from weak or damaged strands can happen at any point in the hair shaft & therefore, will vary in length. the pieces will be shorter than your full hair length. shed hair is the same length of your hair & has a white bulb on one end.

what to look for

ULG Professional Hair Cutting Scissors/Shears

Professional Razor Edge Hair Cutting Scissors

if you trust yourself to DIY, try these out for a good trim!

regular trims help minimize breakage...


for more info on breakage versus shedding and links to how you can keep BOTH at bay, tap below!