Musings: Writer’s Block, Brain Farts, Etc.

Time to bear it all… kinda šŸ˜‰ So, here’s the thing… I’ve been in a bit of a slump recently, writing-wise (in case you haven’t noticed LOL!). I mean, I sit down at the dining table, all pumped and determined to type up like, a week’s worth of posts, open up the laptop and… nothing. “Why?”, you ask? Who knows?! Could it be this event that I’m planning? *shrug* It could very well be that my brain has turned to mush with all the preparations on top of the already fifty-eleven things I’ve got going on in this head of mine. Could be. Or maybe… …it’s my writing space. Hey, don’t underestimate the value of a decent place to create! You fellow writers, artists and creatives alike will surely agree with me that often times, your environment can either inspire you to be super productive or do just the opposite.…
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