Headwraps: The Cure for a Bad (or Lazy) Hair Day?

Say WHAT now?! Yes indeed. Now, I have a few ways to turn a “my-hair-got-an-attitude-today” day into an ”oooh I look key-yoot” day but my all-time favorite has got be HEADWRAPS… here is where hair and fashion connect! This is one of the most stylish ways you can tuck away those tresses that, on some days, will not behave. While some of us have probably been rockin’ basic wrap styles for some time, we’ve seen a powerful resurgence of this trend in recent years from some heavy-hitting, super inspirational fashionistas- Can you say June Ambrose? How bout Solange? Four words… Them girls betta WERK! A headwrap is nothing but a piece of fabric or scarf wrapped around the head and styled in a variety of ways. Besides being a fashionable quick fix to hide misbehaving hair (or hair that ya just don’t feel like doing a thing with!), headwraps can also be used as a protective style option, keeping…
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