Hair Tip Tuesday: The Best Way to Make Wash Day Easier!

wash day easier main

Here’s a new but not-so-new feature that you will see here on ToBNatural.

If you followed me back in my Tumblr days, you may remember Tuesday’s Tips. It received great feedback and people actually looked forward to Tuesdays on my Tumblr. So much so that if I happened to miss one, I’d get threatening texts and emails! Haha!

When I transitioned here to WordPress, Tuesday’s Tips became Toia’s Tips, just so I could have the freedom of posting them on whatever day I felt the urge to. Welp, I thought I’d bring this feature back to Tuesdays. This way you’ll know what to expect from the blog and when… make sense? I hope so! {Eeeek!}

This blog is for you! It’s not only to share my loves and my journey but I also want to help you love your hair and offer suggestions that can help you have the healthiest, dopest mane ever. I really want you all to get as much out of this blog as possible so feel free to comment and/or email me with questions or topics you’d like to see here.

Now, onto today’s tip!


Those of you who have been natural for a while and have some length can probably attest to this fact. I started out with about eight sections as my hair started to get longer. I’m now down to six- I part my hair down the middle (most times) with three twists on the left and three on the right.

From pre-poo to sealing, my hair stays in these sections until it’s time to style. With my hair being as kinky and coily as it is, I was ecstatic to learn about this method. I CANNOT wash my hair any other way.

The BEST way to make wash day easier! #naturalhair #hairtips Click To Tweet

So tell me, do you wash you hair this way? What method have you found most effective? Tell me below!




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