Hey chickadees! 🙂
Let me start by saying a huuuge GRACIAS to all of you who have been following me primarily on Facebook as well as Twitter, Tumblr and most recently, Instagram!
On September 6th, ToBNatural reached a milestone of 1,000 Facebook fans and is still growing at well over 1300 today! To say “Thank You”, it was only right that I team up with the creator of one of my favorite product lines- Karen Tappin-Saunderson of Karen’s Body Beautiful!
If you do follow me on Twittter, you’ve seen me tweet & re-tweet KBB‘s daily and weekly product deals, simply because I love the line and I want you to try it & love it too! <3 Karen’s approach to quality hair care is simple, as her online shop reminds us: “Ingredients Really Matter”! Cooking up only the best, Karen’s Body Beautiful products boast the natural ingredients many would look for in order to maintain a healthy hair regimen.
Now that I’ve talked up the product line… here’s what the winner will get:

2- Sweet Ambrosia Leave-In Conditioners (Lavender Vanilla & Pomegranate Guava), Maximum Moisture Body Lotion, Luscious Locks Hair Mask, Super Duper Hydrating Hair Cream, Hold It Hair Gel w/Argan Oil
This is like $100 worth of stuff folks! 0_0 Want ’em? Here’s whacha gotta do:
1. Like ToBNatural on Facebook
2. Like Karen’s Body Beautiful on Facebook & tell ’em “ToBNatural sent me!”
3. Subscribe to this blog via email for post updates.
4. Comment below & tell us which ingredients really matter to you! What elements do you look for and/or stay away from in your hair products? Do you love shea butter, glycerin, etc? Do you shun sulfates & mineral oil? Let’s talk! 😉
Complete these four steps by October 21st. The winner will be chosen RANDOMLY using random.org and announced on Monday, October 22nd!
Ready… set… GO!!
My hair loves the following ultra hydrating / growth promoting oils:
Avocado Oil- Leaves my 4c hair feeling soft like butter. I use it is a deep hot oil conditioner and a leave in.
Grapeseed Oil- Ultra Light and non-greasy oil that gives my hair a great luster and helps to reduce shedding.
Castor Oil/Rosemary Oil- My holy grails in terms of hair growth promoting
Extra Virgin Olive Oil- Used in my hot oil treament mix (EVOO, EVCO, Jojoba OIl, Castor Oil, Avocado Oil, Lavender Oil, Rosemary Oil, and Honey- leaves the hair feeling amazing).
I try to stay away from petroleum, mineral, oil, and sulfates.
GREAT feedback ladies!! Looks like we pretty much agree on no to sulfates & mineral oil and yes to natural oils! I even got a few tips from you ladies, so thx so much for sharing. We’ll see who our winner is tomorrow evening!
Eeeeeeeekkk 😉
Water based products are a must for me and stuff with all natural oils (castor, evoo etc).
I try my best to stay away from Sulphates and Mineral oil.
I stay away from sulfates, non-water soluble silicones, and mineral oil. I look for products that are filled with moisturizing oils and butters. I also like to have essential oils, like rosemary, in my products. I love shea butter, but try to keep glycerin to a minimum because it can cause my hair to poof up.
I love shea butter and anything with jojoba oil. I stay away from anything that has too many ingredients and silicone.
I love all natiral ingredients!My hair seems to love heavy butters;Mango,Shea,etc.I always look for products that contain BTMS;my hair loves this ingredient!I stay away from sulfates,mineral oil,and petroleum.For me moisture is the key!So when i found out about the LOC method;it was a God send.It has wored wondes for my hair.
I value natural, non-processed ingredients like coconut oil, jbco, olive oil, and shea better, things that are in their natural state, for use on my hair. I avoid products with ingredients that I can’t even pronounce, let alone understand what they are. It’s kind of like going by the motto “if man made it, don’t put it on your hair!”
My hair is Thick and Coarse. I have recently transitioned already. I am lucky to have hair tht withstands anything so I don’t shun anything..BUT I do prefer natural moisturizing products w/ no harsh chemicals. I LOVE my WEN by Chazz Dean products. So…that and grapeseed oil..and Shea Butter(of coarse) are my top favfav ingredients. I look for anything non greasy and VERY Moisturizing.
I have recently heard about the hype of Karen’s Products and would LOVE to experience the life it will bring to my hair as well!
I love anything with Coconut oil, Argan oil, Avocado oil, Cupuacu, Shea, Cocoa and Mango butter. Products that are pH balanced are my friend because I love how the seal my cuticle and smooth my hair. I try to stay away from sulphates because they can be harsh. Mineral oil, petrolatum and lanolin are things I’d rather not have in my products 🙂
I am not an all-natural girl. I don’t need completely natural products, but my hair says “No!” to mineral oil, and “Yes! Yes! Yes!” to sweet almond oil. I also can not due without peppermint essential oil. I add it to almost every product I have. I also can’t do without cocoa or shea butter. Creams are my rock!!
I love coconut oil and hempseed oils they soften my hair and help me retain moisture. I tend to stay away from products without natural ingredients, and sometimes me and glycerin don’t get along.
I love shea moisture. I would like to try aloe vera juice or glycerin to see how my hair reacts. I am a transitioner and I have shunned sulfates, mineral oil, and petroleum.
i used to be more vigilant about the types of products i use but now i hussy go for whatever is going to be nourishing.and moisturizing for my 4c hair. i love Shea butter (but only when it’s mixed with oils). i also love Castor oil, coconut oils, any oil really lol. i stay away from glycerin because if the weather in California and i definitely shun all things mineral oil, petroleum, sulfate, etc. if a product had one of two silicones in it, i might still try it though so I’m picky about ingredients but not uptight
Moisturizing ingredients like water and Shea butter. Shea butter is like my favorite ingredients. I usually try to stay away from silicones and sulfates because my hair doesn’t agree with it.
I love coconut oil, shea butter, and glycerin filled products!
My hair is really not too picky. I love marshmallow root in my conditioners for the slip. It is amazing! I love honey for shine. I try to stay away from lanolin, mineral oil and others that coat rather than give a breathable seal.
Hello!!! I must say that i read great things about these products 🙂 Can Wait to try them.
I Love Shea Butter and coconut oil, those are my favorites. And the smell of vanilla is my delirium 🙂 I SUPER LOVE it 🙂
I am a cowasher , so i dont use shampoos often and stay away from sulfates. I too stay away from petrolatums and mineral oils, I run away from those ”Like the devil to the cross’; 😀 ( Is a saying we have here in DR).
I would love to try these products. I believe is always good to try new produts til u can find the perfect one for u. Unfurtunally in Dominican republic we dont have a variety in products for natural hair, our products are made for processed hair and are full of those ingredients we should run away from.
I hope i can Win!!
Be blessed 🙂
I love shea butter, coconut oil, argan oil & water. Sulfates & mineral oil, I try to stay away from those,but sometimes it can be hard to do so.
i hair loves aloe juice, shea and mango butter, jojoba and olive oil! my hair does not like mineral oil (sits on my hair yuk), glycerin, sulfates or neem.
The last time I was completely natural was when I was 13 and my mother was taking care for my hair. I have very thick/coarse yet long hair so I couldn’t wait to get my first perm. My hair would evaporate hair grease like water. My hair was very dry. I tried perming it and it became badly damaged. 23 years later I regret putting chemicals in my hair. As of January 2012 declared myself natural and did the big chop. By the time march came around my hair already grew 2 inches. Ive tried Kinky Curly products, Olive oil products, even Giovanni products. None of the products could retain moisture in my hair. What seems to help a little is the actual olive oil I bought at the super marker. It keeps my hair from breaking but its too oily. Ive never tried Glycerin or honey/water but I will try it today. I would love to use KArens Body Beautiful products. I hope it can soften up my very coarse hair.
Shea Butter and oils are very important.
I do luv shea butters , i dont use sufates . I luv to co wash . An shampoo maybe once a month. i luv oils on my natural hair . An me being a hair stylist i push oils on the hair not too heavy.
Ingredients that matter to me are the ones that a totally natural. My most favorite ingredients are shea butter, cupuacu butter, vegetable glycerin, aloe vera juice, and coconut oil to name a few. I do steer clear of all sulfates, mineral oil, petroleum, parabens, and harmful herbal additives.
I like ingredients that give me moisture. I stay away from the bad alcohols. I love Shea butter, which reminds me I need to whip up another mixture. Yes I shun sulfates and anything else that dries my hair out.