…IT’S MY BLOGIVERSARY!!! Woo-woooooop!
That’s right y’all… today I celebrate one year of ToBNatural|luvtobnatural.com. Whew! What a year. I had no idea I would get as much love as what I have experienced especially in the past six months or so. I’m so happy that people are inspired by the content here on the blog as well as what I present through social media which is ultimately an extension of the blog. I love to express myself through writing and I love hair- what better way to fuse the two than to start a blog! To kick things off, I hooked up with my friend Chérmelle, The Coffeetographer™, and had some photos taken to help create a polished look for the site. It was a must that I rep my home, Brooklyn, so we chose DUMBO for the locale with the Brooklyn Bridge as a backdrop…

You’ll find these on my “Meet Toia B.” page…
The blog was started while I was on a week-long vacation where I would be celebrating my wedding anniversary later that week (the 25th!!). Having the week off gave me the opportunity to focus my energies and time into what I had been working on for some time {yes, this had been in the works for MONTHS!}. I was sooooo scared! LOL! I had already been writing weekly articles on my tumblr so I’m not so sure what the nerves were about. I guess I was a bit on-edge about how the blog would be received. I mean, tumblr is tumblr but THIS was going to be my official blog! Welp, I figured the best and easiest way to jump in would be to revamp and repost past tumblr articles. This worked out great and I was on a roll. Here’s my first post. ^_^
I’ve made adjustments to things throughout the year aesthetically as well as content-wise and I continue to grow in knowledge of what I can do to make ToBNatural a great resource for YOU. Attending the Blogging While Brown conference was a huge part of that.

I love putting outfits together and this feature allows me to share some inspiration on the fashion tip.
I just want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has been supporting me since Day 1 as well as those who have just recently joined the party! 😉 I really want to continue to provide you guys with quality content and write the stuff that you wanna read (or else, what’s the point, right?!). So please, don’t be scurred… feel free to leave a comment below or shoot me an email if you have any topic suggestions or questions you’d like to see answered here.
Talk to you soon!
Yay! Happy Blogiversary. I remember being scared out of my pants as well.
Here’s to many more 🙂
Ha! Thanks girl!
Congratulations Toia B! I havent been a follower for the entire year, (what was I thinking lol) However I have been subscribed for a few months and I absolutely love the blog! This post amongst others have inspired myself as well as others and im sure I speak for all of the LuvToBNatural family when I say youre doing an amazing job and many blessings to you and your site!
Alea Jay
Curl Friend
Wow, thank you so much! That really means a lot.
No problem. Continue to do great things!