You read correctly… I cook perfect rice in the microwave! FIGHT ME. LOL! To say this post was a long time coming is an understatement cuz I’ve been doing this FOR YEARS!
*feel free to just scroll down to the recipe cuz I’m about to tell a back story*
I’m no Chef Ramsay but I do cook for and feed my family which I like to share on my Instagram Stories. When I shared that I make perfect rice in the microwave, the crowd went wild… as wild as one can get behind a phone screen. I was getting DM after DM about this microwave rice technique! An official poll asking who would be interested in learning how I make perfect rice using the microwave yielded a result of 86% YES!
Before the death threats began (LOL!), I decided to share a brief gist of the process in my Stories. But alas, not everyone’s on IG so here we go.
Here's the easiest way to make PERFECT rice every time!! #momhack #cookinghack Click To TweetYou may know that I was born in Barbados and was raised by a Bajan mother (my American daddy passed when I was 11). So if you’re Caribbean as well, the idea of cooking rice in the microwave may sound like blasphemy. But trust me, this is not what some may call a “typical young mom” thing ā mainly cuz I’m not young ā or a Yankee taking shortcuts (though I’m not turning down a shortcut when I need one cuz #momlife). This is about an actual effort to make really good, perfect rice! Burning the bottom of the pot was getting old so I had to figure something out.
It’s a plus that this is a “set it and forget it” type of deal, kinda like having a rice cooker without shelling out the bucks.
Also, Micah is obsessed with rice (see?), so I better always have some on-hand and have my method down to a science!
Here’s how to do it…

- 1.5 cups white rice of choice
- (I prefer Jasmine but this has worked with regular long grain rice)
- 2.5 cups water
- 1 tbsp butter
- 2 tbsp chopped onion (optional)
- salt (to taste)
- Water to rice ratio: normal ratio for the pot is 2x water to amt of rice. Here, you'll use 1/2 a cup less water than normal.
- 1 cup rice - 1.5 cup water; 2 cups rice - 3.5 cups water, etc.
- In a microwaveable glass container, add rice, water, butter and onion. Mix well.
- Add salt to taste. Be sure to add salt last as butter will already add saltiness, unless you use unsalted butter.
- Cover with microwave safe top, leaving slightly ajar, and cook in microwave set for 15 minutes.
- Stop microwave after about 5 minutes and stir rice well. Replace cover and continue cooking.
- When timer stops, let rice sit a few minutes.
- Fluff with a fork. Serve.
- 1 cup = 10 min
- 1.5 cups = 15 min
- 2 cups = 20 min
- 2.5 cups = 25 min

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PLEASE NOTE: this is a method that I have tested with microwaves that I have owned over the years. Because brands of microwaves may differ in power, etc., I can’t promise that your microwave will give you the same exact results. So use this as a guide and then tweak as you see fit to suit your needs. In other words, don’t come for me if it don’t work! LOL!!
So that’s it!! Think you’ll try cooking rice in the microwave? If you do, please shout me out on Instagram so I can see and re-post!