So!!!! You already know how much I love Karen’s Body Beautiful from my giveaway post back in September. If you follow me on Instagram and Facebook, you must be sick of my constant posts of weekly KBB deals! LOL! I’m sure you’ve heard the buzz by now that KBB was coming to select Target stores this month but we all got the news via Twitter that “the magic date is March 19th“. I’m beyond excited… Weeeeeeee!! ^_^
Back at her Clinton Hill shop, creator Karen Tappin-Saunderson mixed up her amazing butters and things right there in a sleek kitchen for all to see. Of course to meet demand for Target consumers, technology has replaced Karen’s loving hands in the production process. But have no fear! As she told me via Instagram, “Nothing. Will. Change.” Boom! LOL “Oh, except some of the products will be larger for the same price!” O_O Laawwd self-control, Toia…SELF-CONTROL!!
In case you were wondering what KBB products you’ll be seeing at select Target stores in March, here’s a taste:

Hold It Hair Gel w/Argan Oil- 8oz $16 | Sweet Ambrosia Leave-In- 8oz $16 | Luscious Locks Hair Mask- $25 | Hair Blossom Moisture Mist- $16 | Super Duper Hydrating Hair Cream- $16 | Butter Love- $18
All but the Hair Blossom Moisture Mist (only because I have no more room!) are currently crowding my dresser top and YES, I love it all!! Don’t fret. You’ll still find the entire line of hair and body products at Visit the site for all the deets on these and more quality products. Click here to see just how much “ingredients really matter” at KBB!
Once the full list of stores set to carry the products is released, you know I’ll be all over it and sharing with you lovelies!
So… who’s camping out in front of Target with me on March 18th?! 😉