5 Mom Tips: How to Not Lose Yourself in Motherhood

toia barry

it's so easy to lose ourselves in motherhood, especially in the early stages. we're depended on 24/7 & can get wrapped up in just being a mom... but you're so much more.

if you're finding that you're losing a sense of who you were before becoming a mom or you're already there... you're not alone. here are some tips for not losing yourself as a mom.

have things for just you


a hobby or just something you enjoy - dancing, listening to music or bingeing your favorite show - have something for just you.

self-care is key


when you can find a moment, take care of yourself. some form of exercise, an at-home facial & just getting a good night's rest all count as self-care.

have alone time


you need to recharge your battery so you can be there for your kids. have someone else care for the kids & take a walk by yourself, take yourself to a coffee shop or just take a nap!

fix yourself up


oftentimes, when you look good, you feel good! get dressed in something other than sweats, do your hair, get your nails done or do 'em yourself. instant mood lift!

keep up with friends


staying in touch with friends can be key in helping you rediscover & not lose the YOU you remember. text, video call or meet for lunch for some adult convo!

tap the image below for a little video inspiration...

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

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