extra virgin olive oil is a natural emollient so it's great to use as part of your deep conditioning routine, as a pre-poo or hot oil treatment. adding some scalp-stimulating essential oils like rosemary, peppermint or tea tree to your EVOO will give you a nice soothing scalp massage oil.
honey is a natural humectant which means it naturally helps draw moisture to the hair. when diluted with warm water, honey can be used as a rinse to restore body and shine to your hair . or, mix with banana & olive oil for an effective deep conditioning treatment!
this versatile fruit is a natural moisturizer! avocados are rich in protein, Vitamins A, B, B6, C, E, K and the “good fats”, all of which make the hair strong, healthy, soft and shiny. avocados are also anti-fungal & act as a natural sunscreen in oil form. mix avocado, banana & olive oil for an amazing hair mask to give hair some TLC!
for my complete list of items in your pantry that are great for natural hair care, TAP BELOW for the full story!