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We moms will find ourselves getting into a bit of a slump at one point of mommyhood or another. You’ve seen it in memes, on TV… it’s real! There are quite a few ways you can break out of your mommy rut but I’ve narrowed it down to seven that I’ve tried personally and know work for sure! I’ll be working on the rest. 😉
Fix Yourself Up
As a stay-at-home-mom, I know how easy it is to just roll outta bed and go about your day in your PJs or those cozy sweats you slept in… YOU know the ones! But let’s do this instead: brush those teeth, shower, moisturize and put on some real clothes! You’d be surprised how much of a difference this makes in your mood! If you’re dressed first thing in the morning, you’re more likely to feel like actually doing things… like getting out the house!
Put on a Cute Outfit & Go for a Stroll… By Yourself!

Keep all those people who offered to help with the baby while you were pregnant on speed dial! Ask someone to watch the kid for a couple hours and scour the closet for something extra cute. Wear something you wouldn’t normally wear on a weekday and hit the town! Sometimes, we just need some alone time to clear our heads or just not have to think about anything. Grab a cup of coffee (or a chai latte!), sit on a bench and people watch, window shop, whatever!
Even if you can’t, just putting on some your favorite music and moving can give you a whole new outlook on the day! Throw on some oldies to bring back some great memories or find that dance station and break a sweat while you break out of your mommy rut. Of course, dancing is great exercise so you may even lose a pound or two! If you’re trying to get that baby weight off, this may be the way to do it!
Take a Different Route on Your Daily Walks

Taking your baby or toddler along while running errands is often necessary for us stay-at-home parents. But why not make regular walks a daily thing! If they already are, how about mixing it up. It’s a nice change of pace and scenery if you go a different way than usual. Take one route going TO the playground and another, maybe longer, one for the walk home. You and your little one will enjoy seeing something different as you tour the neighborhood.
Do Something New with the Kid(s)
I often get into the habit of just sticking around the apartment for days on end. But even my two year-old has requested a walk outside a few times and we BOTH need a break from the monotony. So, I’ve started taking the long walk to the central library where there’s a cute play area for the little ones. Contact your local library to see what programs and events they have for kids. There’s always something happening.
Change up Your Look!
Whether it’s remixing your makeup or getting a haircut, change is good! It can get boring looking at the same ole us sometimes so go ahead and switch it up!
I’ve been rocking this red for over a year but as it continued to grow out and fade, I was over it. It was time to go back to dark. So, while at Walmart picking up some essentials for me and my mini, I grabbed a box of Schwarzkopf Color Ultime in Raven Black right in the Personal Care aisle. Sure, it’s darker than my natural color but if we’re gonna change things up for fall, let’s REALLY do it!
The kit came complete with instructions – follow them – the color cream, developer lotion in an applicator bottle and conditioning treatment. It’s always best to do a patch test before coloring and please… PLEASE wear the gloves provided!
Since my aim was mainly to cover my red, I started with those parts ends and gently worked the color toward the roots to blend it for flawless coverage. I wasn’t doing a full head application, so only one box of Schwarzkopf Color Ultime was needed. But if I were, I would have definitely needed at least two because I have lots of hair. I recommend going that route for an all-over color so you don’t run out!
Schwarzkopf Color Ultime comes in a variety of vibrant, fashion shades, available at Walmart, from blondes to reds and blacks so there’s a shade for you, however you wanna change up your look! It promises long lasting color, “true to box” results and shine. I put a tiny dollop of color on those stubborn few grays at the front as an afterthought and the color took really well! I must say, I wasn’t disappointed! Wait until I get dolled up and show off this new color… you won’t be able to tell me nothin! *flips hair*
The best thing about Schwarzkopf Color Ultime is that the color lasts without fading for up to 9 weeks! I’ll check in with you guys in a few weeks to show you how it held up. See more color inspo here and try it for yourself with this Try Me Free rebate! Earn up to $5 when you purchase your own shade of Schwarzkopf Color Ultime with this Ibotta offer.
Reach Out to Friends

This may be the most helpful tip I can give you of all. Going out alone and getting cute is all good but sometimes, you need someone to vent to or just to have adult conversation with when the hubster is unavailable. Call or text your mom friends and get it all out, they “get it”. Don’t leave out your non-mom friends, they can help too! Even though they may not identify with your specific woes, they can pull you out of your funk with some laughs and random convo to make you forget all about ‘em! If you can meet up for a bite and some chit chat, even better.
7 Ways to Break Out of Your Mommy Rut! #momlife #momtips Click To Tweet
This! I’ve done at least a few of these this month. But I find just waking up, taking a shower, getting dressed and doing my hair makes me feel so much better! I totally need to change my hair though. Thanks for the reminder. LOl (I’m still dying for rainbow hair!)
~ Sanaa
My bad for just responding to your comment! Yep, taking a shower and fixing yourself up makes a WORLD of difference. It’s crazy how much more motivated I feel afterwards instead of rolling out of bed and onto the couch, even if it IS to blog or check emails!. 🙂 Thanks for reading!
You are SO right – It’s so easy to get in a rut when you’re a mom who works from home. Thanks for all of these awesome ideas! And your hair looks AMAZING! #client