From how to keep your bobby pins in order to DIY hair products, I’ve gathered 21 natural hair hacks to help make your journey a little easier!
But what IS a “hack” anyway? Simply put, it’s a tip, trick, or efficient method for doing something. So let’s get to ’em!
Storage Hacks
1. Like Tic Tacs? When you’ve finished them all, reuse that clear container to hold your bobby pins. The little opening is perfect for emptying one pin at a time when needed.
2. Keep your hair tools accessible but out of the way by storing them in a handy AND eye-pleasing metal file box attached to the wall or cabinet. See how to do it on Dream Green DIY.
3. Empty baby wipe boxes make for handy flexi rod storage! They’re just the right length and you can label them with the color or size of the rods.
Wash Day Hacks
4. Run out of plastic caps? Try a plastic grocery bag for deep conditioning.
5. An old tee shirt used to dry your hair will prevent the snags & breakage that regular towels can cause.
6. If your hair is need of some quick hydration, just use the steam from your shower!
Check out Hair Tip Tuesday: Hair Steaming on a Budget
7. A sheet of plastic wrap over the sink while detangling can keep your curls from clogging up the drain.

8. How do you cleanse your hair while wearing braids, cornrows, etc? Pour your shampoo of choice into an applicator bottle, dilute with a little water. Use the nozzle to get the product in the parts and let it sit for a bit. GENTLY massage with your finger tips to loosen any buildup and rinse with warm water. I’ve been able to effectively cleanse my scalp this way with minimal interruption to my style.
Hair Accessory Hacks
9. Want a large headwrap look but the scarf that matches your outfit is too thin or not long enough? Simply use a scarf that has the surface area you need as a base then wrap the scarf you want to be seen on top.
10. For an effective high puff holder that’ll save you from headaches, cut the feet and top off of a pair of pantyhose. The material is just right to stay in place and stretchy enough that you can adjust to make it comfortable. Shoelaces also work great.
11. WINTER TIP: Sew or stick a satin bonnet into your wool hats & beanies to protect your hair from drying out or breaking… like this:
Styling Hacks
12. I’m always asked how I get my edges so smooth.
All I do is slick some gel on the very edges of my hair, smooth down using my hand and a brush then tie it down with a scarf for 15-20 minutes. BAM! #Laid
13. If your ends look questionable but you still have a ways to go before your trim appointment, try using perm rods to curl the ends of your twist-outs & braid-outs or wrap them onto themselves to form bantu knots. Upon take-down, you’ll have a cleaner-looking result instead of straggly ends.
14. This is one of the best natural hair hacks I’ve seen yet: stretch your roots when setting your hair for a twist-out by using Bobby pins to keep them down. Naptural85 is a boss at this!
15. Many of us love the classic bun but not all of us have enough hair to pull it off. Creating a ‘donut’ using a black sock (or whatever color is closest to your hair) is one way to fake it til you make it! Here’s a tutorial.
Hair Product Hacks
16. Got a conditioner from a swag bag that doesn’t quite give you the slip you want? Add one of your favorite oils. I also use this trick to stretch the life of my favorites.
17. Gather those samples from all those events you’ve been to and organize by type. Use small Ziploc bags to create “wash day packets” of shampoo, conditioner, leave-in & styler. This way, you (1) get to actually sample the products (because that was the whole point, right? Lol) and (2) don’t have a draw or cabinet full of unused product collecting dust.
18. Mix water, your favorite leave-in conditioner and a natural oil (1/3 of each) in a spray bottle for a simple moisturizing spritz while wearing cornrows, braids and twists. This also makes for an effective detangler.
Hair Tool Hacks
19. So… I’m scared of that crotchet latch hook tool. LOL! But a long hair pin is just as effective! I’ve found that curving it slightly makes the round opening easily accessible after sliding it under the braid. Watch African Creature to see how it’s done!
20. No perm rods to curl the ends of your Marley Twists or your tapered fro? Use foil… it works! See?!
21. Wrap your headbands around a glass bottle multiple times & soak in a bowl of oil (any oil!) for a day or two to stretch them out before wearing. As an alternative, soak in oil then place around the back of a dining room chair. Got this little trick from Toni Daley!
Whew! There you go!
I’m sure you may have heard of some of these natural hair hacks before but I’m hoping you learned something new today! Share with someone you love… or like. 😉
What are some of YOUR natural hair hacks? Share with us below!
Toia B.
I love the TicTac bottle hack…YES! My pins are all over the place… I look forward to finishing my orange pack to try this lol.
When doing an updo, my edges sometimes have a mind of its own and gel needs some help in taming it. When that happens I use Murray’s Hair Dressing Pomade and brush it through. ***Fair warning*** This is the old school wax used to create those waves the fellas yearn for. But as an alternative use… Its so thick, that your edges have no other choice but to behave!
LOL! Yes, that TicTac tip was a must-share!
You took it way back with the Murray’s Pomade! 🙂 Hey, whatever works, right?!
Awesome hair hacks! I’ll def have to had these in my hair arsenal. When I don’t feel like adding perm rods to the ends of my twists for a “twist and curl” style, I simply bantu knot the ends of my hair. This gives me the same affect as perm rodding…to wash my mini twists and braids, I put my twists/braids in 4-6 jumbo twists and place a hair net over my hair. This keep my hair in place and I’m able to reach my scalp and rinse as well…I also use a hair net over my perm rod sets while air drying overnight to keep my rods in place while I sleep. I would use a satin pillow case instead of a bonnet to air dry quicker 🙂
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Those are some great tips! Love the bantu knot idea for the twist & curl… a lot simpler and may be easier to sleep on. A hair net w/a satin pillow makes a lot of sense for overnight air-drying! I’ve gotta try that. 🙂